
Tuesday, June 11, 2013

10 Foods that will improve your Sex Life

1. Avocado. A fruit that was used back in 200 B.C by the Aztecs as an aphrodisiac, still serves that purpose today. Rich in Vitamin E, avocados help boost your energy levels and improves stamina.
2. Oysters. We all know that fish and sea food are great aphrodisiacs due to their high Zinc and Phosphorus content which have a reputation for being great for love and fertility.
3. Chili peppers can get you to sweat, speed up your heart beats, and fire you up. They help the brain release endorphins (aka happy hormones) which get you in the mood.
4. Bananas; a feel- good food that helps with serotonin production and triggers testosterone production in males. Being rich in potassium and Vitamin B, bananas will boost your energy power as well.
5. Watermelons; the summer’s official fruit is known to have a Viagra-like effect on the body. It relaxes the body and improves circulation to all your organs when eaten in large amounts.
6. Arugula and Asparagus have been notorious for their aphrodisiac power all the way back to the first century A.D. They’re full of minerals and anti oxidants which exhibit many benefits, the most important being boosting libido and sexual desire.
7. Pumpkin seeds. Being high in Magnesium, the seeds help raise testosterone levels in males.
8. Maca powder is a Peruvian root vegetable that can be added to food, bread, cakes, salads, or even smoothies. It is great for people who suffer from lack of libido due to anti-depressant intake. It can be bought online or at natural food stores.
9. Ginger; a blood thinner that helps your circulation and helps your body respond to sexual stimulation faster. It also aids in digestion so it’s great after a heavy meal.
10. Dark Chocolate. Yes, you heard me. Cocoa stimulates the production of “happy hormones” (serotonin and dopamine) therefore instantly uplifting our spirits.