
Wednesday, April 24, 2013

Alcoholic cocktail and calories, it weighs a lot.

With the arrival of spring there are countless diets and dietary advice of all kinds. The Drink Business magazine has compiled a list of the most calorie cocktails in the world. should be aware that alcohol has a very high energy value 1g of alcohol is 7 calories. For comparison only 1g of sugar equals 4 calories. So there are more calories in 1g of alcohol in 1g of sugar. We understand better why alcohol makes you fat. Results of the study are surprising. Some drinks can reach 800 calories almost twice the energy value of a Bigmac! (Bigmac = 459 calories) To note the daily caloric needs are 2500 calories for men and 2000 for women. What encourage moderate alcohol consumption in the qualitative part of slow drinking. Cheers, F. LONG ISLAND: 780 calories. This is the most calorie cocktail world.

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